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Relief from Migraines & Upper Back Pain

My name is Linda S.  I came to Abundance Acupuncture in October 2012 because I was suffering from migraines and upper back pain.   I had sharp, intense pain in my upper back, lower neck, and head for ten years. I couldn’t lift 10 pounds without being in pain or walk my dog because it strained my back. It was difficult to work, socialize, or sleep comfortably. My vision was blurred and I lost my appetite. All of this made me feel irritable and depressed.

I tried medications such as Diclofinac and a muscle relaxer called Metaxalone.  I also tried physical therapy and finally Novocaine and Botox injections.  I felt hopeless when none of these offered any relief.  They only gave me pressure headaches and made me sick to my stomach.

I began to feel some improvements in my condition after one treatment at Abundance Acupuncture.  At this point in time my condition feels 80% better. I now feel like a weight is off of my shoulders.  I’m not popping pills all the time and I am able to sit and stand without pain. Now that I have relief from the constant pain my appetite is better, I am more active, and less depressed.

During the treatments I felt relaxed and refreshed. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is very attentive.  I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because of the relief it gave me, especially after enduring years of medications with no help.

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